Great White Sharks In Guadalupe Island

Surely the vast majority of you think that diving with great white sharks is only possible for professionals, adrenaline lovers, crazy people who want to be eaten by a white shark bite or that it is a high risk activity, but we are sure that at after finishing reading this blog it will change your perspective.

Let's be honest, when we hear the word "shark" we can't help but immediately think of attack.

Therefore, it is important to start by demystifying sharks.

You are more likely to die from a cow attack than from a shark attack.

When cows attack: how dangerous are cattle and how can you stay safe around  them?

Unfortunately, sharks are some of the most misunderstood species on our planet. While there are shark encounters and people who have been attacked by sharks, these are extremely rare, yet they receive extensive coverage in the media.

Your chances of encountering a shark and being the victim of an unprovoked shark attack are less likely than being struck by lightning or killed by a cow.

Yes, you read correctly. You are more likely to be struck by lightning or killed by a cow than to be attacked by a shark.

Cows kill about 22 people a year, while sharks kill about 5 people a year.

Now to the interesting stuff, so where and how can I dive with great white sharks?

Through GLUUP it is possible to dive with the Great White Shark in Guadalupe Island, located in Mexico.

This is an experience that is possible even if you do not have a scuba diving certification or previous experience scuba diving, since the air you will breathe is air supplied from the surface of the boat and you will not use scuba tanks, this is the perfect experience for anyone!

All the dives are in cages, there are the surface cages and the submersible cages that can reach a depth of around 30 feet, these submersible cages are only for divers who have diving certification.

Where is Guadalupe Island and how do I get there?

Guadalupe Island is an island with an area of 253.8 km², belonging to Mexico, located 241 km from the coast of the Baja California peninsula, in the Pacific Ocean.

Guadalupe Island is the westernmost point of Mexico and Latin America.

Many of the terrestrial or marine species that inhabit the island are unique. Guadalupe has recently positioned itself as one of the best places in the world for great white shark sightings and is home to at least 366 individually identified sharks and counting.

Since 1975, the island has been a sanctuary for wildlife.

To get to Isla Guadalupe and dive with white sharks, you take a flight to Tijuana or San Diego, and then a van will transport you to the port of Ensenada to board your boat.

The boat will start its journey towards Isla Guadalupe and this will take about 25 hours, so there will be an opportunity to relax.

The great white shark encounters at Guadalupe Island are spectacular. It is simply the best destination in the world for calm, clear waters with up to 125+ feet of visibility and a consistently high probability of multiple shark encounters per day.

The experience cage diving with white sharks in Isla Guadalupe undoubtedly has the best conditions on the planet.

When is it possible to make these trips?

With GLUUP, the diving trips with white sharks in Isla Guadalupe last from 5 to 6 days, depending on the itinerary of the boats and the season each year begins at the end of July and ends at the beginning of November. In this season the sighting of white sharks is guaranteed.

July and August feature the noisy, high-energy males vying for dominance.

The great white sharks females begin to appear in August.

Massive females that dominate the other sharks in October and November.

On many dives you will see two to three great white sharks, although if you are lucky you may be able to beat the current record with up to 47 sharks on one trip and 9 great whites circling the cages at once!

The cost of these trips starts from 2,895 USD to 7,250 USD per person, depending on the cabin and the ship, at GLUUP we offer these expeditions only with the best ships.

Other activities that are usually carried out on these trips are group shark identification sessions, board games, watching Steven Spielberg's Jaws is always one of the favorites or getting into the hydromassage jacuzzi with a very cold beer.

We sincerely and deeply hope that this blog has interested you and let's start protecting sharks together.

We still have a long way to go to understand these amazing species and there are promising steps being taken by enthusiastic people around the world to protect and better understand them.

Through education, these trips that promote ecotourism, and by understanding sharks better, we can better protect them and allow them to roam the oceans as they have for the last 400 million years.

Your adventure on board with GLUUP starts today! Prepare your fins, camera and your heart to experience the beauty that our blue planet offers as you have never seen it before.

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